Nokia Kraków

C++ developer EN


We create, deliver and maintain re-usable, cost efficient and high quality L1 SW components.
This covers:
• Delivery of R&D Foundation and guidance on product adoption & integration for L1 SW components
• Selection on suppliers and collaborators for L1 SW components
• Construction of best-in-class design principles and methods for ensuring quality, timeliness and continuous delivery of L1 SW component releases
• Main responsibility for Airscale/K2 development (ABIA, VRAN) in LTE L1 FDD and 4G/5G L1 for vRAN areas, with Area Product Owner, productization and commitments for this area.

L2 SW1 & L2 SW2

Warstwa druga (ang. Layer 2) jest mózgiem technologii 5G. Programiści z naszego działu współtworzą oprogramowanie odpowiadające za transmisję pakietów danych po sieci komórkowej w tej najnowszej technologii mobilnej. Nasz software w ciągu milisekundy podejmuje decyzje o przyznaniu dostępu do medium dziesiątkom telefonów równocześnie. Tworzymy go w technologii C++, jednocześnie integrując się każdego dnia z setkami commitów z tego i innych komponentów. Oprócz pisania kodu nasi programiści tworzą testy komponentowe, biorą udział w peer-reviews, tworzą zespoły scrumowe oraz wirtualne zespoły (feature teams) zorientowane na dostarczenie nowych funkcjonalności dla dziesiątek tysięcy stacji bazowych używanych przez operatorów telekomunikacyjnych na całym świecie. Wszystko po to by użytkownicy smartfonów, zautomatyzowane systemy przemysłowe a także urządzenia Internetu rzeczy mogły się cieszyć jeszcze szybszym i bardziej niezawodnym transferem danych z wykorzystaniem sieci 5G.

L3 SW2

Layer 2 is the brain behind 5G technology. Programmers from our department co-create the software responsible for transmission of data packets over the cellular network in this latest mobile technology. Our software makes decisions within milliseconds about granting access to the medium to dozens of phones simultaneously. We develop it in C++ technology, at the same time integrating with hundreds of commits from this and other components every day. Apart from writing code, our programmers create component tests, take part in peer-reviews, create scrum teams and virtual teams (feature teams) focused on delivering new functionalities for tens of thousands of base stations used by telecom operators around the world. All this so that smartphone users, automated industrial systems, and Internet of Things devices can enjoy even faster and more reliable data transfer using 5G networks.


Our engineering group, codenamed 'L3 SIM ’, develops and tests software in mobile base stations, primarily responsible for setting up calls to and from phones, both in LTE and 5G standards. For software testing we use simulators of other mobile network elements, with which base station cooperates. Some of the engineers on our team work on developing these test tools, hence the name 'SIM’ in our engineering group name. We develop simulator products needed to simulate user terminals (User Equipments), radio heads (Radio Units) and entire cellular network elements (gNB, eNB, MME, PGW, SGW, eNB).
Layer3′ in the name is a code abbreviation for the layer that controls the connection establishment process, i.e. Control Plane. The layer controlling 5G (gNB) and 4G (eNB) base stations deals with configuration and management of connections with subscriber devices (smartphones, IoT devices, etc). Our engineers co-develop requirements and software, as well as tests (unit, component, functional) needed to deliver new features to operators. Additionally, we provide technical support to customers in the implementation of our solutions.
At work, our engineers use software languages – primarily C++/Python/TTCN-3/Erlang. We use tools such as Git/Gerrit/Jenkins/Jira to manage software changes. We develop our software iteratively based on Agile/Scrum methodology. In our team we have engineers with different seniority, from telecom veterans with 10 or 20 years of experience to recent hires. Our teams have effective induction programs in place for new employees allowing them to quickly start working independently.